The basic unit of the Sons, associated with a local American Legion Post, is the Squadron. A group of Squadrons in a geographic region form a District. There are 11 districts in the Detachment (state) of Indiana.
Squadron Officers and Duties
Squadron Commander
This individual is entrusted with the important duty of teaching and protecting the cardinal principles of the Sons of The American Legion and the supervision of duties of all other officers of the squadron. He is guided by the squadron constitution and by the decision of the squadron as a body. Yet, responsibility for the squadron’s success rests largely upon his shoulders. Accomplishments of squadron depend greatly upon the leadership abilities of the commander. During his term in office, the commander presides over squadron meetings and makes every effort to see that meetings are conducted properly. A recommended order of business and the ceremonial ritual for the opening and closing of a squadron meeting are outlined elsewhere in this handbook.
First Vice Commander
The responsibilities of this office are devoted largely to the membership enrollment activities of the squadron and other duties as assigned by the Commander. There is nothing more important to the life and blood of the squadron then the membership. The First Vice Commander should be willing and able to fill in for the Squadron Commander if the need arises.
Second Vice Commander
The responsibilities of this office are concerned primarily with patriotic observances, the development of squadron activities, and planning entertainment and social features that may be scheduled in conjunction with squadron meetings.
This officer is the secretary of the squadron, maintaining contact with individual squadron members and higher levels of the organization, keeping squadron records, and publishing any necessary orders, announcements, and instructions.
Finance Officer
This officer has the responsibility of receiving squadron moneys and paying all squadron bills when the Squadron Commander, and/or the Post Officials have given authorization for payment. The Finance Officer should have financial reports ready for every Squadron meeting.
This officer is responsible for the spiritual leadership of the squadron. In addition to attending all meetings, he should be ready upon occasion to take part in the initiation of new members, dedication ceremonies, and the funeral services of a comrade. Ms opening and closing prayers should be in tune with the type of meeting being attended. The Chaplain needs to be aware of the sick and injured members of the Squadron and take it upon himself to send the appropriate cards or well wishes.
This officer maintains a current record of the activities of the squadron as a mean of continuing a historical account of its endeavors over the years. The Historian should start a scrapbook, take pictures, send articles to newspapers, and become the public relations persons of the squadron.
This officer is the sentinel or outer guard of the squadron. In addition to being the custodian of the flag and squadron standards, he should be ready at all times to assist the Squadron Commander. During meetings, he is the eyes and ears for the Commander, keeping the flow of traffic to a minimum during meeting and announcing and escorting any guests to the speakers table.
Squadron Officers and Duties
Squadron Commander
This individual is entrusted with the important duty of teaching and protecting the cardinal principles of the Sons of The American Legion and the supervision of duties of all other officers of the squadron. He is guided by the squadron constitution and by the decision of the squadron as a body. Yet, responsibility for the squadron’s success rests largely upon his shoulders. Accomplishments of squadron depend greatly upon the leadership abilities of the commander. During his term in office, the commander presides over squadron meetings and makes every effort to see that meetings are conducted properly. A recommended order of business and the ceremonial ritual for the opening and closing of a squadron meeting are outlined elsewhere in this handbook.
First Vice Commander
The responsibilities of this office are devoted largely to the membership enrollment activities of the squadron and other duties as assigned by the Commander. There is nothing more important to the life and blood of the squadron then the membership. The First Vice Commander should be willing and able to fill in for the Squadron Commander if the need arises.
Second Vice Commander
The responsibilities of this office are concerned primarily with patriotic observances, the development of squadron activities, and planning entertainment and social features that may be scheduled in conjunction with squadron meetings.
This officer is the secretary of the squadron, maintaining contact with individual squadron members and higher levels of the organization, keeping squadron records, and publishing any necessary orders, announcements, and instructions.
Finance Officer
This officer has the responsibility of receiving squadron moneys and paying all squadron bills when the Squadron Commander, and/or the Post Officials have given authorization for payment. The Finance Officer should have financial reports ready for every Squadron meeting.
This officer is responsible for the spiritual leadership of the squadron. In addition to attending all meetings, he should be ready upon occasion to take part in the initiation of new members, dedication ceremonies, and the funeral services of a comrade. Ms opening and closing prayers should be in tune with the type of meeting being attended. The Chaplain needs to be aware of the sick and injured members of the Squadron and take it upon himself to send the appropriate cards or well wishes.
This officer maintains a current record of the activities of the squadron as a mean of continuing a historical account of its endeavors over the years. The Historian should start a scrapbook, take pictures, send articles to newspapers, and become the public relations persons of the squadron.
This officer is the sentinel or outer guard of the squadron. In addition to being the custodian of the flag and squadron standards, he should be ready at all times to assist the Squadron Commander. During meetings, he is the eyes and ears for the Commander, keeping the flow of traffic to a minimum during meeting and announcing and escorting any guests to the speakers table.